11 May 2008

Tjooho! :D

Don't have much time to blog just wanted to show you what I got yesterday! Finally the D200 is mine!!! Cooool! :D Now I just have to learn the 257 diffrent buttons and commands but I'll get it.
A friend of mine runs a little photography-school/gallery here in Montpellier and she'll give me some tips and tricks! It's gonna be so funny to learn and to start taking "real" photos. I know that it's the photographer that makes the photo, not the camera but it helps to have a mean machine! :D

Now off to a bbq!

A big happy hug to ya all!



Silje Røe Hagland said...

!!!! GRATTIS! aah fy saa kult :) Gleder meg til aa se bilder! Du kommer til aa elske aa ha skikkelig kamera, det er SAA goey :)

haaper du har hatt en fin helg <3

FauveDesign said...

Ow you lucky lucky girl,thats sooo awesome!Huge congrats with your cammie girl!


Vee said...
