A mini about one totally normal week in my life, really simple and not that exciting.
Went in to town and the photo-store where I met this sweet old photographer that talked to me for almost one hour. Thanks to Christine I know wich camera I'll buy, the Nikon D80. So today I had decided to buy it. This store also sells "second-hand"-cameras and after lot's of talking we decided that I'll go for a Nikon D200 + nikkor 18-70mm! Coooool! :) Just one cloud on the sky, the guy who sells it hasn't really decided if he want to sell it or not. This guy just told the seller and he told me so I have to wait until the end of this week... Buäk. Hope you get my confused talk. :)
I've just put in an order at an on-line scrapstore and hopefully the stuff will be here tomorrow already!
Some great news for me aswell but I'll talk to you later about that (has notting to do with scrapping)! :D
Now we have some friends coming over to play poker, when I loose I'll just go scrapping a bit!
Have a nice evening!
ååååh, nikon d200 med 18-70 er jo PERFEKT :D håper det ordner seg og at du får deg nytt kamera :D
ps: jättekul mini :D
Åh, vilket härligt litet album. Har fått sån inspiration av dina senaste minalbum så jag håller oxså på med ett hemma. Men det tar nog lite längre tid att göra färdigt för mig...
Hoppas du får köpt kameran. Ska nog kolla på kamera till helgen oxså :)
this is sooo cute and cool! love it...
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