Here's a LO i did yesterday. It's my toes. I like them. Voilà!
My photo-adventure continues, i got a confirmation-mail from the developper, my poster is in the mail! Yeaj! Maybe i'll have it tomorrow!
Nothing special's up here, i'm scrappin' but i have a huge block, i think this is the third take on the same and i just ripp all stuff off and start over, but nothing feels right... I know i should stop and do something else but this week i really wanted to "create" because i have the time! Typiskt! like we say in Sweden...
I think it's much because i have no new photos, you just look at the same pics and the
inspiration wont come, arggg!
Inspiration, come to meeee!
I hope your inspired, see ya!
PS Titan is now 3,5 months old and his gettin' fat, 6,5kg! When we got him when he was 2 months old he did only 2,6kg! He has more then doubled! :D Fat=Happy!
love your new lo! Your toes are too cute! Wish I had pretty feet! Oh and btw.....your puppy is extremely precious...I want to cuddle with him right now!!! You should do a lo about him! Hope you have a great weekend!
umm... how flippin' adorable is he! what a cutie!
vilken söt vovve! hur gó som helst eller på göteborgska- hur gó vá inte den då :)
Jättehärlig LO! Är väldigt förtjust själv i såna foton.
Har lite inspirationstorka själv oxså denna veckan, men kom just på en bra idé (äntligen) som jag måste testa;)
Oooooooohhhhhhh Titan is so cuuuuute !! I really love french bouledogues.. I like the way they look at you.. with their big rolling eyes... lol !! They are so funny !!!!
Hihi.. i've post some photos about my new papers..etc...
I feel in a good mood today : It's the week end !! Yeaahhhh !!!
Have nice days !!!
See you soon !
jodå, det blev en jättebra idé och en tolkning av en skiss. Jag kan inte visa den än bara för det var ett (av mina första!) uppdrag. Känns ju kul när man blir kontaktad för att någon har rekommenderat mig! Har ingen aning om vem men kul var det ju.
Har inhandlat fler godsaker idag, så det lär väl bli mer scrappande till TV:n ikväll (annars somnar jag bara). Hoppas du får en skön helg. Här skiner solen för en gångs skull :)
Adorable Titan Asa!!!!!I have 3...I'm crazy about frenchies!!!
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