Did a minialbum of Titan but it's so-so, i got bored after 3 pages so it's a bit lazy done, not like one of Siljes ;)
I also did one LO of the day we went to Nîmes and had a great day! We saw this 3D-movie about the gladiators but the cool thing is that we saw it in the actual arena where the faught 1500 years ago! I like history and i even went to the university of Stockholm and did 1 year of history of art. In the same arena as the gladiators is now the bullfighting "corrida" that i don't like at all. But we still took a photo of the statue that even had the balls carved out :D It's a man, hey! Those french...
Hope you had a great weekend and that monday morning is not too hard... I'll think of you when i wake up around 10! ;)

*-* I like the mini, please show us more pages of it!!!
the mini is really awesome i love love love
and i also would like to see more of it!!
Oj vilken snäll kompis!
cocktailparty's are the best. Hope to see you around. mika (www.mikascrap.typepad.com)
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