Here is are bit diffrent LO then i use to do! I have just begun trying a bit diffrent styles, more pattern paper etc. Céline Navarro inspires me so much with her mixed media (that's where i came up with the fence idéa) and i think it's so fun to try out new stuff!
Tonight i'm painting a bunch of frames that i bought at Ikea today to put a hole lot of interesting photos in! I'm painting all black because as i'm certainly going to paint my wall in turqouise (thanks girls for the suggestions!) black is best! I found the turqouise (how do you spell that?!?) that i want in a photo from flickr, i'll show it to you!
Back to painting black!
j'adore cette page! et la photo est geniale!!!! :)
*ASG* Känner så igen situationen med fotot. =D
Kul layout!!
Very Nice this paper hu ????!!! I love it too !!! And your puppy is so cuuute !!!
Have a nice day !! Here, it is horrible ... it rains since yesterday evening... eeeerk.. !
Häftigt kort och häftigt papper. Kul att se någon som vågar med färg!!!
Jo, det tog lite tid och lite pysslande innan lampan var färdig men, men, vad gör man inte när man vill ha något :) Kul att du tyckte den var snygg.
Love that new lo! So glad the inspiration and creativity came back to you....I know you were feeling a bit blah with that last week! I cannot wait to see your new frames....make sure to show them!
oooo! this is so cool! loving it!! :D
Great pic and love the lo. Hope to see you around. mika www.mikascrap.typepad.com)
Hey sweetie!
Really my card is on the way! this is so cool! i can't wait to receive it!
and of course i'll send mine ;)
I'm so happy today 'cause it's friday yuppi yeah!^___________^
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