After one week in "school" i'm exhausted! 8 hours a day of calculations and laws etc about opening your own business is kinda hard for a brain that last time saw the inside of a classroom was 10
years ago! :)
I love France and the french people but sometimes the annoy me! Last sunday i went to the photo-shop to develop a photo that the sweet Silje sent me! It's a photo she took in NY and when i saw it at her Flickr i'd just had to have it! So i asked and she sent it to me! Cool! Thanks again! So i went to the boutique and they said it will be ready thursday. It's thursday. I went there. No photo. Sunday they said. Pffff...
It's 90x60cm so it's big and we're gonna hang it on the dining-room wall! Nicey!!! When it's ready!
Here's the LO for this week on Scrap Challenge, what happened in february. For me it's spring that happened! So lovely!
See you tomorrow!
love the layout! so fun and airy!
Åhhh! Så härliga färger och så fin....blir lite avundsjuk när jag ser hur långt våren kommit hos er!
Så spännande det verkar med ditt öppna café-projekt. Ser fram emot att läsa i din blogg hur det går... heja, heja :)
ha ha ha !! In south of France, people are more relax than in north... they are often late and more cool, zen... Maybe they are influenced by Spain and Italy... In spain, they say "Mañana" = tomorrow.. but in reality, you must understand in a few days.. lol ! I love you page !!! Very nice !!!
See you soon...
PS : Sorry if my english is not perfect.. English class is so far behind !!!
this is amazing!
beautiful lo! I love it....can't wait for you to get your new pic! Wish I could see it!
beautiful layout sister
and lots of luck for your business
aah! For en vakker LO! wow! Elsker fuglene, og malings remsen! :)
Haaper du faar bildet ditt paa soendag! Du vet jeg gleder meg til aa se!
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