This came to me this morning and I've been staring at it since... ♥
Philippe and I are preparing our bags for tomorrow. The plane is leaving at 13h. We're taking a mini-holiday to Belgium. :) That's where Aude and Isis (my girls!) are studying the last year to become chiropractors! Nico, Dom and Seb from canoe this summer is coming too so we're going to be 10! Sooooo fun! I'm so afraid I'm gonna forget the camera so I put it my handbag, now it's impossible to forget it and impossible to put anything else in it...
We're also going to Holland, the Netherlands sunday! :) The boys are really pleased, don't know why?? ;)
I'm back monday, so,
Hej tjejan!!!
Tack så mycket för kortet!!!Underbart fint kort står på en hylla där jag ser det hela tiden nu. Underebart att få så fina kort från en gullig kompis! Ser oxså fram emot att träffas någon dag hoppas jag :)
Fick oxså hem mina sassafrass lass papper häromdagen. Jag älskar dem-de är såååå fina. Ska bli intressant att se vad som skapas av dessa-eller hur :)
Hoppas att ni får en trevlig helg i Belgien.
Kram kram
have a good holiday !!!
I'm really looking forwards to see what you will do with all this sassafrass magic !!!
underbara papper!!! jag dreglar ;)
aah! saa kult! Haaper du har en kjempe fin tur, ta masse bilder!!! :)
Klem <3
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