Look at these cute tourists! :) My cousin, my mother and my aunt when we went to Aigues Mortes and had lunch. It was so fun to show them around, it's like seeing everything for the first time again. And to show them how I live and all the places I love here in southern France!
The photos underneath is just the photos I took one day all the other were taken by my mum and aunt so I'll have to wait until she sends them to me... I was so pleased to be with them and so occupied to show them everything here so I totally forgot to bring my heavy camera and enjoyed being with them instead. I can't wait to have some of me and my mum though! :) So I'll just share some from one night.

My cousin is as addicted as me! :)

My aunt and mum looking at old pictures that my father gave me when he was here of his family. The first photos dates from 1880! I'll show you some day!

My mum is so crafty, a couple of minutes to dinner? I'll do some cross-stiching... :) With parents as crafty as mine, no wonder I'm all in to scrap etc! My mum has been crafty since I was born with sewing etc and my father paints and is a hobby-carpenter so...

My aunt enjoying some white wine from a vignoble here in Montpellier, we went to taste and buy some wine in a beautiful old abbey and visited the country side. As I said more photos to come.

They wanted to cook dinner one night so I said why not! :) It was so yummy!

Hey, it's in the genes! :) Of course we had to play some poker after all the good food, cheese and wine! A good way to end a perfect day!

Who's winning? My mum of course, she's an old poker-shark as we say in swedish! :)
As soon as I get the others I'll share with you, I had a wonderful week and I cant describe how wonderful it is to have your family with you some days when you don't even live in the same country, you just feel in place.
And it's really empty when they go home.
So now I'll cuddle up with Philippe and instead think about everything that makes me happy and the reasons why I stay here and how lucky I am to have what I have.
aaah, jeg skjoenner hva du mener med aa vise dem rundt, og at det foeles som aa se alt paa ny igjen :D Gleder meg til aa gjoere det samme naar pappa kommer hit!
Ser ut til at dere hadde det fint, gleder meg til aa se resten av bildene :)
Haaper alt er bra <3
Kul att se vad ni har haft för er i veckan. Jag tror att man uppskattar sin familj mer när man bor långt ifrån varandra. Jättekul att de kommer och hälsar på dig.
Har oxså haft en hektiskt helg. Skriver mer ikväll :)
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