Sunday, mmm... Nice weather, some muffins, a Philippe and life is on top!
This LO was so fast and fun to do, surely because i love this pic!
Today is lazy sunday, it's so good. We have the opportunity to have many lazy days but it's never the same like sunday! You know that nobody is working and that really gives you the right to laze you too! (For everybody that didn't know, in France, everything but really everything is closed!)
In the beginning i didn't understand why and now i'm so used to it and i like it!
I'm so lazy that i don't even now what to write about...
Hope you all can relax like me,
have a nice sunday!
PS. This is what i made me this evening, banana, icecream and real swedish chocolate-sauce! Yums! Do you think it's bad to eat chocolate-sauce that expired in dec. 07? I'd forgotten that i had it in the fridge since last time i went home to Sweden and i wanted it so badly... I'll see tomorrow i guess... :D
Vilken härlig LO! Jag gillar att du använder färgkartor att scrappa med. Jättehäftigt foto oxså.
Har också haft en slapp dag, men vi hade inget fint väder på förmiddagen så vi åkte till Ikea istället. Vad ska man göra?
And ???? Are you sick today ???
My CB get well !!! No seriously !! I'm very happy because I did'nt exceed the limit I had fixed...
But I had some difficulties to resist to the Amercian Craft new collection.. So I did some shoping on the internet... ;o))... I can wait to discover my package this evening !!!!!
Have a nice day !!
I bought on Scrapmalin and Bulle 2 Scrap... The owner of the second one is from Montpellier (Castelnau le Lez)! It's first time I ordered on this web site... For the moment, I can say that preparation and shipping were very fast...
Wow !! I had receive my packages... !!! Papers and ribbons are beautiful !!!! I love it !!! :o))
No problem MIss !! I will post some photos this evening !!!
Have a nice day !!!
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