Voilà another one!
Now the puppy is vaccinated and KO in his basket! As nothing else happened today i have nothing to say... I've been scrapping. I've eaten. I checked up some prizes for our business-project. That's it. Do to little makes you lazy. Luckily it's not for long time, i so want to get going with our little "thing"!
Oh, i almost forgot, week 6 in Scrap Challenge 2008, "tenderness"!

!!!!!!!! wow for noen digge LO'er, liker spesielt godt den foerste <3
SAa kule farger, og oppsett! En favoritt :)
i love all your lo's sister
and thanks for your sweet comments on my blog!!
Shit pommes! Maken på underbara alster!! Mig gör det då inget att du inte kan sluta ;-)
What a great scrapper! I haven't scrapped in almost two years! :(
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